Universe Sandbox Wiki

The user views the simulation through a virtual camera. This camera can be controlled by the user to move around the simulation, zoom in and out, and change the angle at which the simulation is viewed.

Controls[ | ]

Keyboard[ | ]

A user with a keyboard can perform the following actions:

  • up/down arrow keys: zoom in and out on the camera-locked object
  • left/right arrow keys: rotate around the camera-locked object, or around the camera itself if the object is not locked on an object
  • A/D keys: move the camera left or right
  • R/F keys: move the camera up or down
  • W/S keys: move the camera forward or backwards
  • C key: land the camera on the surface of the selected object

Mouse[ | ]

A user with a mouse can perform the following actions:

  • Double-click on object: locks the camera onto the object, so that the object is always at the center of the screen unless the user shifts the camera away
  • Hold and drag: rotates the camera around the camera-locked object, or around the camera itself if the camera is not locked on an object

The game has no invert y-axis option yet -_-

Properties[ | ]

Properties related to the camera can be viewed for a specific object in the Camera Relative section of the Motion tab of the object's properties panel. These include Camera Inclination and Camera Azimuth.
